Adria Zal
When One Mama Cries, We All Do Photographs
$200 each

The piece When One Mama Cries, We All Do is a diptych of two mothers, each image depicting a mother’s embodied response to the current war on Gaza. In their most vulnerable state, exposed to the elements, the mothers struggle to protect themselves while simultaneously trying connect with the warmth of the earth. I imagine this short-lived reality is one that is constant for women in Palestine today. Many are alone, struggling to protect their bodies, their dignity, and lives while also trying desperately to reconnect with their land. This work responds to the cries that are being heard by mothers all over the world. 

Artist Bio

Adria Zal is a New York City / New Jersey-based feminist artist. Her mission is to create work that de-stigmatizes the societal standards imposed on women’s bodies by the medical community, social media, and those in their everyday lives. Adria’s work aims to shift how women suffering from postpartum depression and body dysmorphia perceive themselves while raising awareness among her audience and those experiencing these changes in their loved ones. She is committed to exhibiting her work in non-traditional spaces to reach individuals with similar insecurities. Currently, she is collaborating with gynecologists in the New Jersey area to showcase her work in their practices, hoping to empower women by normalizing their natural beauty.