Sandy Shelenberger

Artist Statement

I am inspired by the ancient cultural traditions using Shibori techniques to create pattern on cloth. I love process, pattern, texture and repetition. Working with Indigo is magical, as you watch the color transition from green to blue as it becomes oxygenated. I love creating the fabrics and play with composition until the design feels right. My interpretation of these patterns is a way to honor and connect to past traditions.

Artist Bio

Sandy is an artist and instructor. She specializes in fiber arts, surface design and encaustics.

Her work has been in several publications and juried art exhibitions. She took her first quilting class in 1984, and began to see quilting as an art form and a means of self-expression. Her work has been included in prestigious exhibits such as Quilt National, Fiberarts International, Quilts=Art-Quilts, Visions Art Museum in San Diego, CA and Ohio Craft Museum. Sandy loves teaching and sharing her knowledge and passion for the creative process.

Exhibitions & Events